
Turn Microsoft Dynamics 365 into a customer engagement solution

Microsoft Dynamics 365 delivers a portfolio of CRM and contact tools for you to perfect your customer relations.

With the Talkative Dynamics integration, you can give your team a more intuitive and flexible set of channels to engage, assist, and convert your customers - all within your Dynamics environment. 

See Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Talkative in action

A unified workspace

Integrating Talkative and Microsoft Dynamics 365 gives you access to your customer’s favorite contact channels - all inside your CRM. 

With interaction logs automatically updated in your Dynamics Dashboard, you’ll have all the essential information on-hand without switching tabs. 

Video chat from Microsoft Dynamics 365

Meet your digital customers with face-to-face interactions and give them the most personalized experience possible. 

With Talkative’s on-demand and scheduled video chat, you can truly bring the in-store experience online. 

Lighter than you think

On average, Talkative’s scripts weigh less than 100KB. It means you can give your contact center a powerful overhaul - without giving your IT department any headaches. 

Available within your website, app, social channels, and WhatsApp and SMS, Talkative is the lightweight and lightning-fast way to engage more digital customers. 

Getting started

Want to learn more about how you can integrate Microsoft Dynamics 365 with Talkative? 

Get in touch today by booking your Talkative demo.

Enough about us. Let's hear about you.

If you want to offer your customers a more personable and profitable online journey, book your Talkative demo now.

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