Skyrocket your website
travel bookings

Improve customer service and boost your bookings through web calling, video calling and live web chat

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Maximise travel bookings through website conversations

When potential customers come to your website, it is important that you offer them everything that they need to be able to make a purchase. This includes information on site, clear pathways and options, and, of course, obvious and effective communication channels.

Because most customers want to have a personalised and high-touch experience when booking holidays, we’ve seen significant benefits to websites offering channels like live chat,web callbacks,video chat.

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YellowZebra screenshot

Intuitive call back widget

  • Web call back widgets are popular amongst our travel clientele
  • Offer web call backs proactively on any webpage
  • Elevate your customer experience by offering tailored advice about flights, accommodation and packages, without interfering with the customer's journey
  • Improve contact centre efficiency by routing call back requests to the correct department or agent

Improved lead generation

  • Custom nudges can offer live chats, call backs, web calls and video calls intuitively throughout the website
  • Mobile ready and works on all devices and browsers
  • Offline email and phone number capture and log when agents are unavailable
  • Fully customisable UI to suit your branding and layout

    Learn more about how to generate digital travel leads
Digital contact channels

Discover how Yellow Zebra Safaris use Talkative web calling solution to...

Increase inbound calls through website by nearly 20%
Precisely track all inbound website leads
Provide excellent service and improve customer satisfaction ratings

Talkative Engage integrated with Mitel Ignite

Improved travel lead conversions

  • Track customer journeys through your website
  • Integrates with tools like Google Analytics and Double Click
  • Seamless integration with existing CRM, including Salesforce
  • Escalate live chats into calls to maximise conversions
Learn about Talkative analytics

Use as standalone or integrate with your existing systems

The Talkative solution allows you to manage all website interactions from our sophisticated Engage platform, enabling you to offer your customers a fast, efficient contact channel which also elevates their online experience.

You can also connect the Talkative Engage platform with your existing telephony or contact centre setup, such as Mitel or Salesforce Service Cloud, so your agents can manage all interactions in the same place.

Screenshot of Manager's dashboard

Request a live demo

Fill out the form and one of our team will walk you through a demo and answer any questions you might have!